Steroids...stop it. At this point it seems like the media is actively trying to ruin America's greatest past time with this whole steroids debacle. Are news outlets offering bonuses for any story with A-rod as a headline? Stop it. Yes, people have done steroids. Handle it internally and stop adding more and more doubt to a great sport. And now this A-rod thing is probably illegal to have released his name?? I hope that bitch gets tossed in the slammer. The media is getting out of control and it will soon ruin what has been a great game for decades. Stop it. Sure steroids also could be what ruined the game, but if MLB could handle the drug problems internally without bringing negative attention to the sport it would be better for everybody, except of course journalists. It has been a long offseason and with football season coming to an end the stories only look to get worse. Stop it.
I grew up on the street. Not the hood...sesame street.
America's greatest past time is clubbing baby seals.