Its 10 o'clock, do you know where YOUR children are?
On the deli line the girl in front of me asked the guy to cut the crust off her bread for her...stop it. Are you kidding me? He was having a hard enough time as it was making the sandwich...hes not your mother, cut your own goddamn crust off.
Walking to class everyone is slipping and sliding on the icy walk and I see this girl in her car driving and looking directly down doing a text message on her phone...stop it. The text can wait, I'm sure of it- its not worth some kid slipping and your car doing some work on the kids leg. Seriously stop it- They should make a movie where there a lot of tragic things are happening and they send the top detective to find out and by the end of the movie he finds out that text messaging has been causing all these catastrophic events. Paris Hilton could totally be in the that movie.
And of course ending with something I heard in scrubs- she turned me down to homecoming and prom when I didn't ask her to either one.